Boxer Sadaf Khadem halts return to Iran after arrest warrant issued

17 April 2019 06:23
• Sadaf Khadem fought Anne Chauvin in France on Saturday• Boxer defied Iranian rules over women’s sporting dressSadaf Khadem, the first female Iranian boxer to win an overseas fight, intends to stay in France, where she fought last weekend, after an arrest warrant was issued by her country.Khadem and her trainer, Mahyar Monshipour, are in Poitiers and had been expected to return to Tehran after the win over Anne Chauvin. The 24-year-old, who works as a fitness trainer in Tehran, had defied her country’s rule that female athletes should dress in line with Islamic laws. Khadem was bare-headed and wore shorts for the bout in Royan. Related: Undercover: female football fans in Iran Related: The female boxers fighting back in the Congo Continue readingread full article

Source: TheGuardian